Anyway, having had too much of the TDD Kool-Aid (can I use that here? I betcha it's copyrighted...), I started digging through the various unit-testing tools available. I knew about NUnit, having worked with it before. However, one thing I found is that there wasn't much in the way of database-testing in the .Net world. Not to say that the Java world's database-centric unit-testing is all that robust, but at least there's something (see DbUnit and SQLUnit). Dead end.
My next step was to take a look at doing the unit-testing in the database. I was familiar with Steve Feuerstein's utPLSQL library (and it's successor, OUnit). I assumed I could find something similar focused on T-SQL. I did find tsqlunit, but given the client environment I was in and the library's prerequisites, I didn't feel it was going to fit the bill. Dead end #2.
Path #3: extending NUnit. I already had NUnit 2.2.8 installed, so I started poking through the documentation and samples, looking at how to extend it. Not much going there; it just didn't seem to work and the documentation was very, very thin. And then, a breakthrough. I found a thread on the NUnit developers list (an excellent resource, by the way) talking about ExtensionPoints. The thread didn't indicate a version of NUnit, so I started going through the code, looking for this ExtensionPoint thingamajig. No dice. At least, not until I downloaded the bleeding edge, NUnit 2.4. There, in all its glory, ExtensionPoints. And not only that, they worked like a champ. All of a sudden I was off and running.
Enjoy. Let me know what you think, etc. Oh, and if you feel like contributing, by all means; just send me an email via sourceforge.